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made in USA

– 敏感/發炎/囊性痤瘡/發紅
– 100% 全植物有機
– 28 種有益活性成分


是一款濃縮護理精華液和元素防禦油。它的名字來源於它通過減輕炎症負擔來支持所有皮膚功能的能力,炎症是所有繼發性皮膚症狀的根本原因。 繼發性皮膚症狀包括但不限於痤瘡、酒渣鼻、發紅、毛細血管破裂、過度乾燥、失去彈性,甚至色素沉著過度。 它包含具有淋巴親和力的植物; 鼓勵緩解、流動和釋放出現在我們的氣、淋巴、筋膜和結締組織中的停滯。 抗敏精華油鼓勵並支持所有細胞的功能繼續輕鬆優雅,將皮膚轉變為寧靜狀態。

這種特殊精華液中脂質油的比例與我們的其他精華液完全不同,使其成為我們更豐富、更保濕的精華液之一。 其中的油脂都以其抗炎能力為中心。 月見草、荷荷巴油和瓊崖海棠混合在一起,具有舒緩和鎮定作用,雖然仍然是原始的和未精製的,但足夠溫和,可以解決任何引起的皮膚問題。 

添加了奇亞籽和石榴,更加粘稠。 這些更“緩衝”的油軟化並減緩了我們一些更有效的治療植物輸液的輸送。 

黃芩、甘草根和蠟菊等植物提供了強大的植物藥,可解決長期炎症和刺激的更多慢性病例。 與幾乎所有系列產品一樣,在精油中微量添加,被視為治療工具,而不是將它們用於香味。 在我們所有產品中發現的最低百分比,這種血清中的油很受歡迎,甚至對最敏感的皮膚類型也有幫助。 




這種富含甘菊的植物可以緩解任何類型的發紅或受刺激的皮膚。 它是一種有效的抗炎藥,可提供舒緩、溫和的再生能力。 這種植物經常與藍艾菊混淆,有時也被稱為摩洛哥洋甘菊,但德國洋甘菊實際上對皮膚更溫和和舒緩,並且反應機會更少。

作為草藥愛好者,這是迄今為止我們發現的最有效的抗炎藥。 它具有強大的抗組胺樣作用,支持皮膚輕鬆應對反應。 這種生機勃勃的黃色根還針對過敏反應,支持因食物和環境而經常發作的皮膚。

在太平洋西北部為我們新鮮蒸餾,這種黃色的小花既溫和又強大。 它可以強化組織並支持健康的細胞活動,並減少疤痕和毛細血管破裂的出現。 這種植物是真正的治療師,並且具有強大的抗炎作用。

這種營養豐富的綠葉,也被稱為蜜蜂花,富含精緻的抗氧化劑,可以迅速減少自由基的傷害。 它專門用於修復和舒緩發炎和有問題的皮膚,它還具有淋巴和免疫系統親和力,具有調節作用。 這種植物直接代表了這種精華液的名稱 Unburden,因為它的迷迭香酸含量可以減少淋巴水腫、浮腫和水瀦留並產生積極作用。


荷荷巴油、月見草油、石榴油、杏仁油、玫瑰果 + 籽油、琉璃苣籽油、橄欖油、紅樹莓籽油、奇亞籽油、瓊崖海棠油 、蔓越莓籽油、沙棘果+種子油、迷迭香提取物; 全植物提取物黃芩、甘草、棉花糖、金盞花、黃芪、洋甘菊、積雪草、紫草、薰衣草、蕁麻; 蠟菊、沒藥、香蜂草、羅馬洋甘菊、德國洋甘菊精油


先補水後,再滴 3-5 滴精華液於指尖,然後按入濕潤的面部和頸部。 如果需要,接著使用面霜。 

打開後 6 個月內使用。 將本產品存放在陰涼、乾燥和避光的地方。


淋巴運動 + 流動
我們的淋巴系統是一個由組織、血管和液體組成的複雜網絡,承擔著許多任務。 與皮膚健康密切相關的一項任務是清除體內代謝廢物,有時稱為“毒素”。 當健康或飲食不佳、壓力大或缺乏身體(甚至情緒或精神)運動時,淋巴系統很容易停滯。 即使只是正常老化,淋巴系統也會變得更加負擔、停滯和減慢。 當淋巴不能順暢流動並毫不費力地清除體內廢物時,皮膚就會變得暗淡無光,功能低下,並可能導致痤瘡、玫瑰痤瘡和色素沉著過度等繼發症狀。

當今業界對精油、它們的外用和內用不當使用以及是否應該將它們用於皮膚護理有很多討論。 事實是精油被濫用了。 它們是草藥師必須使用的最有效的藥物之一,但大多數草藥師永遠不會推薦它們今天的使用方式:未稀釋、濃度不當、攝入等等。
我們的產品完全不同。 我們非常謹慎和尊重地使用精油,它們是使我們的配方如此有效的植物藥物的一部分。 我們的 Unburden Serum 中精油的總百分比為 0.25%(百分之一的四分之一)。 這被認為是“微劑量”,不會對皮膚屏障或微生物組產生負面影響。 事實上,我們發現我們所有含有微劑量精油的產品對兩者都有積極影響。

多年來學到了很多東西並看到了我自己的皮膚變化,我堅信淋巴健康對美麗皮膚的力量,並儘我所能來支持它的功能。 Unburden Serum 是一種以緩慢而穩定的方式支持和刺激淋巴功能的產品。 我用這個產品配合溫熱的毛巾按壓和輕柔緩慢的面部按摩; 特別是刮痧工具或玉石滾輪工具可以幫助輕柔地推動我們的淋巴。 手動淋巴引流以及淋巴技術是一種非常有價值的按摩類型,我們的許多合作美容師都經過培訓和熟練掌握。我強烈推薦這種類型的面部按摩,以作為健康衰老的新方法 和皮膚健康。


– Sensitive / Inflamed / Cystic Acne / Redness

– 100% Whole Plant Organic

– 28 Beneficial Active Ingredients

relieve, soften, nourish, support

The Unburden Serum: Deep Tranquility is a concentrated moisturizer, treatment serum, and elemental defense oil in one. Its name comes from its ability to support all skin functions by lifting the burden of inflammation, the root cause of all secondary skin symptoms. Secondary skin symptoms include, but are not limited to acne, rosacea, redness, broken capillaries, excessive dryness, loss of elasticity, and even hyperpigmentation. It contains plants which have a lymph affinity; encouraging ease, flow, and release of the stagnation that shows up in our Qi, lymph, fascia, and connective tissue. The Unburden Serum encourages and supports all cellular functioning to continue with ease and grace, transforming skin to a state of tranquility.

The ratio of lipid oils in this particular Serum is quite different from our other Serums, making this one of our richer and more moisturizing Serums. The oils in the Unburden Serum are all centered around their anti-inflammatory ability. Soothing and calming, while still raw and unrefined, Evening Primrose, Jojoba and Tamanu are blended together to be gentle enough for any arising skin concern. Chia and Pomegranate are added to give this moisturizer more viscosity. These more “cushiony” oils soften and slow the delivery of some of our more potent healing botanical infusions. Plants like Baical Skullcap, Licorice Root and Helichrysum provide powerful plant medicine, addressing more chronic instances of long-term inflammation and irritation. Like almost all Laurel Skin products, essential oils are microdosed in the Unburden Serum, revered as healing tools, rather than using them for scent. At the lowest percentage found in any of our products, the oils in this Serum are well-received and helpful to even the most reactive of skin types. German Blue Chamomile and Helichrysum have a great ability to repair, de-stagnate, and calm both the mind and skin.


Evening Primrose – Freshly pressed and produced exclusively for our line, this California-made raw, unrefined oil reduces inflammation with its vast essential fatty acid profile, while it aids in reducing the appearance of fine lines and scarring.

German Chamomile – This azulene-rich plant is a cooling relief to red or irritated skin of any kind. It is a potent anti-inflammatory that provides soothing, gentle regeneration. This plant often gets confused with Blue Tansy, sometimes referred to as Moroccan Chamomile, but German Chamomile is actually much gentler and soothing to the skin and poses less opportunity for reactivity.

Baical Skullcap – As lovers of herbal medicine, this is by far the most potent anti-inflammatory that we have found. It has a strong antihistamine-like effect and supports the skin to work through reactivity with ease. This vibrant yellow root is also specific to allergic reactions and supports skin that often flares up in response to food and environments.

Helichrysum – Freshly distilled for us in the Pacific Northwest, this little yellow flower is as gentle as it is potent. It strengthens tissues and supports healthy cellular activity, and reduces the appearance of scars and broken capillaries. This plant is a true healer, and a powerful anti-inflammatory.

Lemon Balm – This nutrient-rich green leaf, also known as Melissa, is high in delicate antioxidants that work swiftly to reduce free radical damage. It is specific to mending and soothing inflamed and problematic skin, and it also has a lymph and immune system affinity that has a regulatory effect. This plant speaks directly to the name of this Serum, Unburden, because its Rosmarinic Acid content can have a reduction and positive effect on lymphedema, puffiness and water retention.

**This serum also contains plants that have been studied for their ability to support our skin against UV damage, such as Red Raspberry Seed, Cranberry Seed, and Jojoba.**

Full Ingredient List: Jojoba Oil˚, Evening Primrose Oil˚, Pomegranate Oil˚, Almond Oil˚, Rosehip Fruit + Seed Oil˚, Borage Seed Oil˚, Olive Oil˚, Red Raspberry Seed Oil˚, Chia Seed Oil˚, Tamanu Oil˚, Cranberry Seed Oil˚, Sea Buckthorn Fruit + Seed Oil˚, Rosemary Extract˚; House Made Whole Plant Extracts of Baical Skullcap˚, Licorice Root˚, Marshmallow Root˚, Calendula˚, Astragalus˚, Chamomile˚, Gotu Kola˚, Comfrey˚, Lavender˚, Nettle˚; Essential Oils of Helichrysum˚, Myrrh˚, Lemon Balm˚, Roman Chamomile˚, German Chamomile˚
˚organically grown ingredient


After applying Elixir first for hydration, then apply 3-5 drops of Serum into fingertips and press into wet face and neck. Follow with Balm, if desired. This product works as a treatment serum, a moisturizer, and it strengthens your skin’s response to the sun and environmental elements.

Use within 6 months of opening. Store this product in a cool, dry and dark place.


Lymph Movement + Flow
Our lymphatic system is an intricate network of tissues, vessels, and fluid that has many tasks. One task that is closely associated with skin health is it rids the body of metabolic waste, sometimes referred to as ‘toxins’. The lymph system can easily get stagnant when health or diet is poor, if we are stressed, or we experience a lack of physical (or even emotional or spiritual) movement. Even just with normal aging, the lymph system can become more burdened, stagnant and slowed down. When lymph is not flowing smoothly and ridding the body of waste effortlessly, this shows up as dull, lifeless skin that functions poorly and can contribute to secondary symptoms such as acne, rosacea, and hyperpigmentation.

Essential Oils as Medicine

There is much discussion in the industry today over essential oils, their improper use externally and internally, and whether or not they should be utilized in skin care. The truth is that essential oils are misused. They are one of the most potent medicines that herbalists have to work with, but most herbalists would never recommend how they are being used today: undiluted, improper concentrations, ingested, and so-on.
Our products are quite different. We use essential oils with great care and reverence, and they are a part of the plant medicine that makes our formulas so effective. The total percentage of essential oils in our Unburden Serum is .25% (one quarter of one percent). This is considered a ‘micro-dose’ and does not have a negative impact on the skin’s barrier or the microbiome. In fact, we find that all our products that contain microdosed essential oils have a positive effect on both.

My Own Lymph Care
After learning so much over the years from Angela Peck and seeing my own skin transform, I believe firmly in the power of lymph health for beautiful skin and do what I can to support its functioning. The Unburden Serum is a product that supports and stimulates lymph functioning, in a slow and steady kind of way. I use this product in conjunction with warm towel compressing as well as gentle and slow face massage; in particular Gua Sha tools or Jade Roller tools can help to give our lymph a gentle nudge. Manual Lymphatic Drainage as well as the Laurel Lymph Technique (created by Angela Peck) is an incredibly valuable type of massage that many of our partnering estheticians are trained and skilled in. I highly recommend this type of facial massage for a new approach to healthy aging and skin wellness.


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