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made in USA

– 乾燥/正常/敏感

– 99% 全植物有機

– 26 種有益活性成分

– 100 毫升


結合了深層保濕、富含營養和抗氧化劑的整株植物,可保持肌膚健康、緊緻和柔軟。 我們的補水導師是護理程序中補水的重要步驟。 這是一款保濕噴霧/精華液組合,由工匠蒸餾的單一農場純露以及草藥師自製和自製全植物提取物製成。 為這款 補水導師選擇的植物帶來豐富的多醣、B 族維生素、酶、生物類黃酮、多酚、白藜蘆醇、維生素 C 和模擬透明質酸的植物保濕劑; 所有植物營養素在它們的全植物協同作用中。 


玫瑰 是該配方中的主要植物,而土根、樹皮、蘑菇和辛辣樹脂發揮著重要作用,使該配方更深層補水、恢復活力,並含有多種有益植物成分。 藥屬葵根是一個關鍵因素,它能夠深層滋潤筋膜並通過其獨特的有用礦物質、B 族維生素和粘液化合物的組合來消除停滯。 靈芝中的多醣體和美白甘草根中的皂苷可舒緩皮膚,幫助營養物質穿過脂質屏障。 樹脂和樹皮加強和促進細胞癒合和修復來自工匠蒸餾檀香和乳香純露。 芙蓉、山楂、五味子和五顏六色的玫瑰花瓣中富含維生素 C 及其所有有益的輔助因子。 玫瑰是敏感皮膚和修復受損皮膚屏障的理想植物。 這款 精華水 中的玫瑰以五種不同的形式存在:純露、兩種不同類型的新鮮傳家寶花瓣浸液、玫瑰果超臨界提取物和淡淡的稀有白玫瑰精油。


大量的玫瑰! 玫瑰純露和稀有的白玫瑰精油都具有保濕和增強屏障的特性。 在兩種不同介質中自製的當地傳家寶玫瑰提取物,每種都含有豐富的營養成分,例如維生素 C、類黃酮、花青素和沒食子酸。 玫瑰對皮膚溫和舒緩,同時深層補水並支持結締組織。

這種富含粘液和多醣的根具有令人難以置信的補水能力。 它是天然形式的透明質酸,通過水合作用使每個細胞飽滿,並將它們包裹在感覺就像一個冰涼的擁抱中。 它富含 B 族維生素和甜菜鹼,可舒緩、癒合、消炎和軟化皮膚。

我們來自加利福尼亞的生物動力玫瑰天竺葵純露是一種非凡的寶石。 玫瑰天竺葵可強化和修復受損的毛細血管,並平衡油脂分泌、pH 值和皮膚微生物組。

在這種長生不老藥中同時找到金盞花純露和整株金盞花提取物,以便充分捕獲這種強大植物中的每一種藥用化合物。 金盞花是一種樹脂狀的癒合保濕劑,可幫助我們的皮膚保持水分和柔軟光澤。 金盞花是一種真正的滋補品,對細胞水平有影響,可以恢復皮膚健康。

人們對黃芪加強和修復端粒的能力進行了深入研究,端粒是導致細胞衰老的原因。 端粒修復本質上是DNA修復。 黃芪還具有抗炎作用,刺激表面免疫力,支持結締組織健康。

生長在太平洋西北部並經過手工蒸餾,我們的蠟菊純露是一種強效藥物。 蠟菊具有清涼舒緩的功效,可深度促進皮膚再生,修復疤痕和曬傷。

玫瑰純露°、乳香純露°、檀香純露°、玫瑰天竺葵純露°、檸檬香脂純露°、金盞花純露°、蠟菊純露°; 玫瑰花瓣°、藥屬葵根°、黃芪根°、金盞花°、積雪草°、靈芝°、五味子°、甘草根°、山楂果°、木槿果°、玫瑰果+種子° ; 蘿蔔根發酵濾液、葡萄酒精°、植物甘油°; 佛手柑°、玫瑰°、檀香°、白玫瑰°、胡蘿蔔籽°、玫瑰草°、玫瑰天竺葵°的精油; 大紅鳳仙花精華°


每次使用時搖勻 ,然後直接大量噴灑在乾淨的皮膚上。 隨後使用精華素。

將本產品存放在陰涼、乾燥和避光的地方。 打開後 6 個月內使用。


面部噴霧不僅僅是一種讓人感覺良好的奢侈品。 它們提供對皮膚健康至關重要的水合作用。 通過將水基產品(如我們的長生不老藥)與油基產品(如我們的精華素或香脂)結合使用,您可以為皮膚提供保持水分和滋潤所需的主要營養素。 此外,所有植物都含有水溶性或油溶性的抗氧化劑、維生素和微量營養素。 這些營養素是細胞生命和活動的基石。 通過為您的皮膚提供我們的長生不老藥和我們的精華素和/或香脂,您正在為您的皮膚提供充滿活力和健康所需的一切。

作為 品牌 系列中唯一的補水形式,我們的 精華水 是我用得最快的產品,因為我用得最多。 當我的皮膚非常缺水時,我可能會在一次皮膚護理中使用我們的 精華水 三次 : 洗面﹑精華水﹑精華液﹑精華水﹑面霜﹑精華水! 尤其是在冬季、氣候乾燥或旅行時,使用比平時更多的 精華水 會使我自己的皮膚發生明顯的變化。

– Dry / Normal / Sensitive

– 99% Whole Plant Organic

– 26 Beneficial Active Ingredients

– 100ml

hydrate, nourish, strengthen, repair

Hydrating Elixir I: Phytonutrient Replenish is a combination of deeply hydrating, nutrient and antioxidant rich whole plants that keep skin looking healthy, firm and supple. Our Hydrating Elixirs are an essential step to hydration within a Laurel Skin ritual. This is a hydrating mist/serum combination, made of artisan distilled single farm hydrosols, along with a combination of herbalist-made and housemade whole plant extracts. The plants chosen for this Elixir bring an abundance of polysaccharides, B vitamins, enzymes, bioflavonoids, polyphenols, resveratrol, vitamin C, and plant humectants that mimic hyaluronic acid; all phytonutrients within their whole plant synergy. This microbiome balancing Elixir is good for all skin types, and is best suited to dry, mature, sensitive, and rosacea symptoms.

Heirloom Rose is the prominent plant in this formula, while earthy roots, barks, mushrooms and spicy resins play an important role to make this formula more deeply hydrating, restorative, and diverse in beneficial plant constituents. Marshmallow Root is a key player, which has the ability to deeply hydrate fascia and move through stagnation with its unique combination of helpful minerals, B vitamins, and mucilaginous compounds. Polysaccharides found in Reishi Mushroom and Saponins in skin-brightening Licorice Root soothe the skin and help nutrients to move through the lipid barrier. Resins and barks strengthen and promote cellular healing and repair from artisan distilled Sandalwood and Frankincense hydrosols. Vitamin C, alongside all of its helpful co-factors, is present and plentiful in HibiscusHawthornSchisandra, and colorful Rose petals. Rose is an ideal plant for sensitive skin and repairing a damaged skin barrier. Roses are present in this Elixir in five different forms: hydrosol, two different types of fresh heirloom petal infusions, Rosehip supercritical extract, and a hint of rare White Rose essential oil.


Rose – Multitude of Roses! Rose hydrosol and rare White Rose essential oil both have hydrating and barrier strengthening properties. Housemade extracts of local heirloom roses within two different mediums, each capture an abundance of nutrients such as Vitamin C, flavonoids, anthocyanin, and gallic acid. Roses are gentle and soothing to the skin, while deeply hydrating and supportive to connective tissue.

Marshmallow – This mucilaginous and polysaccharide rich root has an incredible ability to hydrate. It is nature’s form of hyaluronic acid, plumping up each cell with hydration and wrapping them in what feels like a cooling hug. It is high in B Vitamins and betaine making it soothing, healing, anti-inflammatory, and softening to the skin.

Rose Geranium – Our biodynamic Rose Geranium Hydrosol from California is an extraordinary gem. Rose Geranium is strengthening and repairing to broken capillaries, as well as balancing to oil production, pH levels, and the skin’s microbiome.

Calendula – Find both Calendula Hydrosol and a whole plant Calendula extract in this Elixir, in order to fully capture each medicinal compound within this powerhouse plant. Calendula is a resinous, healing humectant that helps our skin retain its hydration and a supple glow. Calendula is a true tonic with an impact on a cellular level and can restore skin health like no other.

Astragalus – Astragalus has been closely studied for its ability to strengthen and repair telomeres, which are responsible for cellular aging. Telomere repair is essentially DNA repair. Astragalus is also anti-inflammatory, stimulates surface immunity, and supports connective tissue health.

Helichrysum – Grown in the Pacific Northwest and artisan distilled, our Helichrysum Hydrosol is powerful medicine. Cooling and soothing Helichrysum is deeply regenerative to the skin, and healing to scars and sun damage.

Full Ingredient List: Rose Hydrosol°, Frankincense Hydrosol°, Sandalwood Hydrosol°, Rose Geranium Hydrosol°, Lemon Balm Hydrosol°, Calendula Hydrosol°, Helichrysum Hydrosol°; Herbalist Made Whole Plant Extracts of Rose Petals°, Marshmallow Root°, Astragalus Root°, Calendula°, Gotu Kola°, Reishi Mushroom°, Schisandra Berry°, Licorice Root°, Hawthorn Berry°, Hibiscus Fruit°, Rosehip Fruit + Seed°; Radish Root Ferment Filtrate, Grape Alcohol°, Vegetable Glycerine°; Essential Oils of Bergamot°, Rose°, Sandalwood°, White Rose°, Carrot Seed°, Palmarosa°, Rose Geranium°; Scarlet Pimpernel Flower Essence°
°organically or biodynamically grown ingredient


Shake Elixir well with each use and mist directly and generously onto clean skin. Follow with a Serum and/or Balm.

Store this product in a cool, dry and dark place. Use within 6 months of opening.


The Value of Water
Facial Mists are not just a feel-good luxury. They offer hydration which is essential to skin health. By combining a water-based product (like our Elixirs) with an oil-based product (like our Serums or Balms), you are offering the skin the primary nutrients it needs to stay hydrated and moisturized. Additionally, all plants contain antioxidants, vitamins and micronutrients that are either water or oil soluble. These nutrients are the building blocks of cellular life and activity. By offering your skin both our Elixirs and our Serums and/or Balms, you are feeding your skin everything it needs to be vibrant and healthy.

Never Enough Elixir
As the only form of hydration in the Laurel Skin line, our Elixirs are the product I go through the most quickly because I use them the most generously. When my own skin is dehydrated, my ritual might look something like this: Cleanser, Elixir, Serum, Elixir, Balm, Elixir. Yes, when my skin is very dehydrated, I might use our Elixir three times within one skin ritual! Especially in the winter months, drier climates or when traveling, using more Elixir than normal will lead to a noticeable transformation in my own skin.



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