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made in USA

– 適用於面部和身體的所有皮膚類型
– 100% 全植物有機
– 15 種有益活性成分

*嚴重個案可配合別敏姬 兩溝一齊用。

抗敏面霜已成為系列中的熱門產品; 在任何藥櫃中都應有的地位。 它幾乎可以治療任何皮膚病,從極端情況下的濕疹、口周皮炎和疼痛的囊腫性痤瘡,到敏感的易過敏皮膚,再到偶爾出現的割傷、擦傷或皮疹。 這款多功能香膏可減少發紅、腫脹和刺激的出現,同時提供治療劑量的全植物精華,以啟動和支持皮膚自身的癒合過程。 除了作為藥箱萬能藥,這款潤膚膏更是一款深受皮膚反應和嚴重健康問題的人喜愛的消炎面部保濕霜。


這種黃色的小花既溫柔又有力。 它可以減少發紅和腫脹。 它可以強化組織並支持細胞癒合活動,並減少疤痕和毛細血管破裂的出現。

深冷的綠色瓊崖海棠油是無可替代的,它是熱帶地區神聖的古老植物藥材。 它具有抗炎、傷口癒合、抗菌、刺激皮膚免疫力並具有獨特的皮膚癒合特有的植物營養素特性。

這很可能是我們使用過的最漂亮的油。 它本質上是豐富而厚實的,但能深入滲透,並且對隨著時間的推移因炎症而受損的皮膚屏障具有令人難以置信的癒合能力。

我們充滿活力的 金盞花經過精心種植和採摘,專為月桂樹肌膚打造。 金盞花在細胞水平上具有深層修復和癒合作用。 它非常適合疤痕和各種形式的皮膚損傷。

我們的薰衣草精油具有抗炎、鎮靜和清涼作用。 它促進健康的細胞功能,防止有害細菌在皮膚上過度繁殖。

這種營養豐富的綠葉,也被稱為蜜蜂花,富含精緻的抗氧化劑,可以迅速減少自由基的傷害。 它專門用於修復和舒緩發炎和有問題的皮膚,並因其抗病毒特性而被廣泛研究。

乳木果油、瓊崖海棠油、橄欖油、荷荷巴油、石榴油、迷迭香提取物; 金盞花、紫草、薰衣草、西洋蓍草、棉花糖、自愈全植物提取物; 薰衣草精油、檸檬香脂、蠟菊精油


先補水後,再滴 3-5 滴精華液於指尖,然後按入濕潤的面部和頸部。 如果需要,接著使用抗敏面霜。 該產品可用作治療精華液、保濕霜,並可增強您的皮膚對陽光和環境因素的反應。

打開後 6 個月內使用。 將本產品存放在陰涼、乾燥和避光的地方。


科學:如果皮膚長期發炎,它就無法以健康的方式發揮作用。 體內存在炎症以啟動癒合過程。 然而,由於飲食、壓力和生活方式,我們中的大多數人都已經慢性發炎。 這意味著我們生活在一種持續發炎的狀態中,而且炎症不再啟動癒合過程。 植物以一種獨特的方式處理炎症,使整個炎症到癒合的周期更容易,這是應該的。 當炎症得到解決時,許多其他症狀就會消失,因為身體和/或皮膚能夠發揮應有的功能。

儀式:當我與囊腫性痤瘡作鬥爭時,這成為我的首選面霜。 我還用它來防止或解決剃須或打蠟引起的刺激。 當我被寵壞的狗出疹子時,我也會使用它。 我用它來治療曬傷。 其在我自己的生活中發揮著許多不同的自我保健作用,很難選擇一個例子與您分享! 但我不得不說我最喜歡的使用方式是作為我的航空旅行主食! 飛行對我的身體、思想和皮膚來說是如此的艱難; 因此,與一群助手一起旅行是必不可少的。 我總是隨身攜帶一個旅行裝的水,讓我的皮膚充分補水,然後我塗上一層面霜來密封它,以避免在飛行過程中讓我的皮膚脫水。 其中的抗炎作用和舒緩氣味有助於在旅行期間讓我的皮膚和心情放鬆。


– All Skin Types for Face & Body

– 100% Whole Plant Organic

– 15 Beneficial Active Ingredients

The Recovery Balm has become a cult favorite in the Laurel Skin line; one that has earned its rightful place in any medicine cabinet. It’s a remedy for practically any skin ailment, from extreme cases of eczema, perioral dermatitis and painful cystic acne, to sensitive allergy-prone skin, to the occasional cut, scrape or rash. This multi-functional balm reduces the appearance of redness, swelling, and irritation while offering up a therapeutic dose of whole plant goodness to jump-start and support the skin’s own healing process. In addition to being a medicine chest heal-all, this Balm is also a favorite anti-inflammatory facial moisturizer for those with reactive skin and considerable health concerns.

Helichrysum – This little yellow flower is as gentle as it is potent. It reduces redness and swelling. It strengthens tissues and supports cellular healing activity, and reduces the appearance of scars and broken capillaries.

Tamanu – There is no replacement for the deep cool green Tamanu oil, which is a sacred ancient plant medicine of the tropics. It is anti-inflammatory, wound healing, antibacterial, stimulates skin immunity, and has a unique phytonutrient profile specific to skin healing.

Pomegranate – This is quite possibly the most beautiful oil that we work with. It is rich and thick by nature, but penetrates deeply and is incredibly healing to skin barriers that have been damaged over time by inflammation.

Calendula – Our vibrant Biodynamic® Calendula is farmed and harvested mindfully for Laurel Skin. Calendula is deeply restorative and healing on a cellular level. It is excellent for scarring and all forms of skin damage.

Lavender – Our Biodynamic® Lavender essential oil is anti-inflammatory, calming and cooling to the skin. It promotes healthy cell functioning and prevents harmful bacteria from overpopulating the skin.

Lemon Balm – This nutrient-rich green leaf, also known as Melissa is high in delicate antioxidants that work swiftly to reduce free radical damage. It is specific to mending and soothing inflamed and problematic skin and has been studied extensively for its anti-viral properties.

Full Ingredient List: Shea Butter˚, Tamanu Oil˚, Olive Oil˚, Jojoba Oil˚, Pomegranate Oil˚, Rosemary Extract˚; House Made Whole Plant Extracts of Calendula˚, Comfrey˚, Lavender˚, Yarrow˚, Marshmallow˚, Self Heal˚; Essential Oils of Lavender˚, Lemon Balm˚, Helichrysum˚
˚organically grown ingredient


After applying Elixir first for hydration, then apply 3-5 drops of Serum into fingertips and press into wet face and neck. Follow with Balm, if desired. This product works as a treatment serum, a moisturizer, and it strengthens your skin’s response to the sun and environmental elements.

Use within 6 months of opening. Store this product in a cool, dry and dark place.

Science: The skin cannot function in a healthy way if it is chronically inflamed. Inflammation exists in the body to jump-start the healing process. However, due to diet, stress, and lifestyle, most of us have become chronically inflamed. This means that we live in a state of constant inflammation and that inflammation is no longer kick-starting the healing process. Plants work on inflammation in a unique way that makes the whole inflammatory to healing cycle easier, as it should be. When inflammation is addressed, many other symptoms fall away because the body and/or skin is able to function as it should.

Ritual: The Recovery Balm becomes my go-to facial balm when I am battling cystic acne. I also use it to prevent or address irritation from shaving or waxing. I also use it when my spoiled dog gets a rash. I use it on sunburns. There are so many different self-care rituals in which the Recovery Balm works its way into my own life, it is hard to choose just one example to share with you! But I would have to say my most favorite way to use it is as my air travel staple! Flying is so incredibly hard on my body, mind, and skin; so traveling with an arsenal of helpers is essential. I always have a travel-sized Elixir with me to fully saturate my skin with hydration, and then I apply a layer of Recovery Balm to seal it in to avoid dehydrating my skin during the flight. The anti-inflammatory actions, as well as soothing scents in our Recovery Balm, help to keep my skin and my mind at ease during travel.


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