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這款奢華、舒緩和滋養的面膜是皮膚的佳餚。 被稱為由蜂蜜和花蜜製成的神的食物,這款面膜可以排出毒素,同時滋養和强化皮膚。 生蜂蜜富含平衡酶,富含礦物質的白粘土可清潔毛孔。 木瓜果實有助於溫和去角質,而煙醯胺則使皮膚明亮有光澤。 金盞花油與鰐棃油、玫瑰果籽油將恢復您的皮膚並營造年輕的柔軟度。 杏籽油富含伽馬亞油酸,可調理和深層滋潤肌膚。 純維他命C有助於减少瑕疵和黑斑,並有助於構建膠原蛋白,而珍貴的李子油則為膠原蛋白的構建增添了點睛之筆。 非常微妙地添加依蘭依蘭和香子蘭將有助於皮膚保濕,防止炎症並為感官帶來振奮人心的愉悅。


高嶺土發現於熱帶雨林富含水分的土壤中,幾個世紀以來一直被用於化妝品中,對皮膚產生驚人的效果。 除了排除毒素、淨化和促進皮膚迴圈外,高嶺土還含有天然高含量的二氧化矽,可去除死皮並為嬌嫩的面部真皮恢復水分。 更令人印象深刻的是,這種豐富的白色粘土可减少皮脂,使油性皮膚變得啞光,觸感光滑。

竹芋粉原產於南美洲,最初用於治療箭傷—因此得名。 在某些文化中仍用於治療開放性傷口,竹芋粉因其細胞更新能力而廣為人知,這種能力可擴展到面部皮膚上的瑕疵。 竹芋粉具有抗炎和殺菌作用,是二氧化矽和滑石粉的天然替代品,可平衡油脂分泌並保持皮膚緊致有彈性。

在古埃及,眾所周知,埃及豔後克利奧帕特拉將新鮮蜂蜜混合到她的夜間牛奶浴中 — 在她鼓舞人心的美容儀式中充分利用了這種來自大自然的豐富禮物。 當應用於皮膚時,蜂蜜的天然抗菌和抗氧化特性可以對抗衰老和粉刺的迹象。 事實上,當蜂蜜中的天然糖遇到瑕疵時,會產生過氧化氫,從而加速細胞更新。 此外,蜂蜜是一種保濕劑,這意味著它厚實、豐富的屏障可將水分鎖在皮膚中,使面部容光煥發、水潤。

一種B-3維他命,有助於形成角蛋白並保持皮膚緊致和健康。 煙醯胺是一種關鍵成分,有助於减少細紋和减少毛孔外觀,同時調節皮膚的自然油脂分泌週期。 它可以形成脂質屏障,緩解皮膚刺激和發紅,並有助於治癒曬傷。

豐富,保濕,清凉,滋養,有助於防止自由基損傷。 最常用於阿育吠陀醫學,是另一種天然抗衰老護膚方法,研究表明它可以有效治療乾燥、發炎的皮膚。 抗菌、抗氧化、抗真菌和抗菌特性有助於您的心臟和腎臟。 滋養和滋養皮膚。 作為終極身體治療師的精油之父,可治癒燒傷、裂縫、割傷、粉刺和皺紋。

李子油含有高水准的抗氧化劑和天然形式的維他命E,具有較重油的保濕能力,但吸收迅速且感覺輕盈。 除了令人陶醉的香味外,李子油還含有最高濃度的亞油酸之一,這意味著可以使皮膚豐盈的脂肪酸濃度更高。 它可以治癒、滋潤和治癒暗沉的皮膚。

摩洛哥堅果油來自摩洛哥西南部土生土長的摩洛哥堅果樹的種子。 這種油以其健康和美容功效而聞名於世,提供保濕、再生和抗炎劑。 這種長生不老藥在使皮膚豐盈的同時立即下沉,為臉頰帶來血液,在一夜之間治療細紋和皺紋。

鰐梨油富含omega-3脂肪酸和維他命A、D和E,源自我們最天然的健康脂肪來源之一。 局部使用時,鉀、卵磷脂和其他天然營養素在鰐棃油平衡和滋潤皮膚。

木瓜粉含有高水准的木瓜蛋白酶,可自然去除角質並减少炎症。 這針對堵塞毛孔的死皮細胞和受損角蛋白,賦予肌膚透氣輕盈的感覺。 它還通過其 α- 羥基酸以及維他命C和E减少衰老迹象和細紋。

具有抗菌和潤膚特性,可以輕柔輕鬆地治癒受傷的皮膚。 金盞花還以其增强膠原蛋白和减少疤痕的能力而聞名。

沐浴在喜馬拉雅山和安第斯山脈的這種原生野花中,冷壓以保留其所含的天然維生素和必需脂肪酸,將其用於頭髮、皮膚和指甲。 幾個世紀以來,玫瑰果籽油一直被視為天然美容劑和皮膚輔助劑。

被希臘女神用作日常皮膚護理方案的一部分,以增强强度和彈性。 這種神奇油中天然存在的維他命C有助於淡化黑斑,而天然存在的維他命A有助於恢復細胞活力。

幫助恢復脫水的皮膚。 有機杏仁油富含來自必需脂肪酸omega-6的伽馬亞油酸或GLA。 杏仁油中的GLA含量有助於皮膚保持水分平衡。 GLA還在緊致和調理皮膚方面發揮作用。 此外,有機杏仁油含有維他命A和E,可舒緩皮膚並延緩衰老迹象。 杏仁籽油的滋養特性具有抗炎作用,可以緩解輕微的皮膚病,如濕疹。

在古希臘,眾所周知,女神阿芙羅狄蒂將她的愛與美的力量歸功於不起眼的紅菜頭。 紅菜頭根富含維他命C,對於提亮膚色、去除黑斑和舊瑕疵留下的疤痕有奇效。 它的抗炎特性還有助於鎮靜浮腫的眼睛甚至膚色。

維他命C是一種天然防腐劑,可提亮膚色,减少和預防細紋和皺紋。 還可以新增膠原蛋白的生成,减少炎症,減緩自由基損傷的速度,並防止紫外線損傷。

原產於墨西哥並被阿茲特克人廣泛使用的香子蘭豆不僅味道極佳,而且對皮膚也有奇效。 它富含抗炎成分,可舒緩和鎮定皮膚,還有助於防止自由基損傷。 富含維他命B,使用後很長一段時間也能促進皮膚健康。






This luxurious, soothing and nourishing mask is ambrosia for the skin. Ambrosia was known as food for the gods made from honey and nectar, and this mask draws out toxins and yet nourishes and fortifies the skin.  The raw honey is full of balancing enzymes, while the mineral rich white clay will cleanse the pores. Papaya fruit helps with gentle exfoliating while the niacinamide makes skin bright and glowing. The calendula blossom oil along with, avocado oil, rose hip seed oils will restore your skin and create a youthful suppleness. Apricot seed oil is rich in gamma linoleic acid which tones and deeply moisturizes the skin. Pure vitamin C will help reduce blemishes, dark spots and will help build collagen, while prized plum oil adds the finishing collagen building touches. Very subtle addition of ylang ylang and vanilla will help with skin moisture, prevent inflammation and bring uplifting joy to the senses.

Kaolin Clay, Organic Arrowroot Tapioca (Manihot Esculenta), Organic Honey, Niacinamide, Organic Coconut Oil (Cocos Nucifera), Plum (Prunus Domestica) Oil, Argon (Argania Spinosa) Oil, Avocado (Persea Gratissima) Oil, Papaya (Carica Papaya) Fruit Powder, Organic Calendula Flower Extract (Calendula Officinalis), Organic Rosehip Seed Oil (Rosa Canina), Apricot Kernel Oil (Prunus Armeniaca), Beet Root (Beta Vulgaris), Glycerin, Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid), Organic Vanilla Bean Extract (Vanilla Planifolia), Organic Ylang Ylang Flower Oil (Cananga Odorata)

Kaolin Clay:

Found in the moisture-rich soil of tropical rainforests, Kaolin Clay has been used in cosmetics for centuries to stunning effect on the skin. In addition to eliminating toxins, purifying, and promoting circulation to the skin, Kaolin also has a naturally high amount of silica which works to remove dead skin and restore moisture to your delicate facial dermis. Even more impressively, this rich white clay reduces sebum leaving oily skin matte and smooth to the touch.

Organic Arrowroot (Tapioca):

Native to South America, arrowroot powder was first used to treat injuries caused by arrows– hence it’s name. Still used in some cultures to treat open wounds, arrowroot powder is widely known for its cell-turnover abilities which extend to blemishes on the facial skin. Anti-inflammatory and antiseptic, arrowroot is a natural alternative to silica and talc working to balancing oil production and keep skin firm yet elastic.

Organic Honey:

In ancient Egypt, Cleopatra was known to have mixed fresh honey into her nightly milk bath – capitalizing on this rich gift from nature in her inspiring beauty ritual. When applied to the skin, honey’s natural antibacterial and antioxidizing properties fight signs of aging and acne. In fact, when the natural sugars in the honey meet with blemishes, hydrogen peroxide is produced which speeds cell turnover. Additionally, the honey is a humectant meaning that it’s thick, rich barrier locks moisture into the skin leaving the face glowing and dewy. 


A B-3 vitamin that helps build keratin and keeps skin firm and healthy. Niacinamide is a key ingredient that helps reduce fine lines and minimizes pore appearance while regulating the skin's natural cycles of oil production. Creating a lipid barrier, it soothes skin irritation and redness, and helps heal sun damage. 

Organic Coconut Oil:

Tri Dosha, Rich, Hydrating, Cooling, Nourishing, Helps to prevent free radical damage. Most commonly used in Ayurvedic medicine and is another natural anti-aging skin care method that has been shown in studies to effectively treat dry, inflamed skin. Antimicrobial, antioxidant, antifungal, and antibacterial properties helps your heart and kidneys. Feeds and nourishes the skin. The father of oils for the ultimate body healer, heals burns, cracks, cuts, acne, wrinkles.

Plum (Prunus Domestica) Oil:

Containing high levels of antioxidants and a natural form of Vitamin E, Plum Oil has the hydrating capability of heavier oils but absorbs quickly and feels light. In addition to its intoxicating scent, Plum Oil contains one of the highest concentration of linoleic acid, which means a higher concentration of those fatty acids that are plumping up skin. It heals, hydrates, and heals dull skin. 

Argon (Argania Spinosa) Oil: 

Argan oil comes from the seeds of the Argan tree, indigenous to Southwestern Morocco.This oil is known worldwide for its health and cosmetic benefits, provides moisturizing, regeneration, and anti-inflammatory agents. this elixir sinks right in while it plumps the skin, brings blood to the cheeks, treating lines and wrinkles overnight.

Avocado (Persea Gratissima) Oil:

A rich oil derived from one of our most natural sources of healthy fats, Avocado oil is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins A, D, and E. When used topically, the potassium, lecithin, and other of nature's nutrients found in Avocado oil balance and moisturize the skin. 

Papaya (Carica Papaya) Fruit Powder:

Papaya powder contains high levels of papain, which is naturally exfoliates the skin and decreases inflammation. This targets dead skin cells and damaged keratin blocking the pores, and gives the skin a breathable, light feeling. It also decreases signs of aging and fine lines with its alpha-hydroxy acids, and vitamins C and E. 

Organic Calendula Oil Extract:

Used by ancient Hindus to adorn the statues of gods and goddesses, calendula is a stunning flower with antibacterial and emollient properties that gently and effortlessly heal wounded skin. Calendula is also famed for its collagen boosting and scar minimizing capabilities.

Organic Rosehip Seed Oil:

Bask yourself in this native wildflower of the Himalayas and the Andes, cold pressed to preserve the naturally-occurring vitamins and essential fatty acids it contains, use it on your hair, skin, and nails. Rosehip seed oil has been cherished for centuries as a natural beauty enhancer and skin aid.

Rosehip seed oil was used amongst Greek goddesses as part of a daily skin care regimen for strength and elasticity. The naturally occurring vitamin C in this wonder oil helps diminish dark spots, and the naturally occurring vitamin A helps rejuvenate cells.

Apricot Kernel Oil:

Helps rejuvenate dehydrated skin. Organic apricot kernel oil is rich in gamma linoleic acid, or GLA, which comes from essential fatty acid omega-6. The GLA content in apricot kernel oil helps skin to maintain moisture balance. GLA also plays a role in firming and toning your skin. Additionally, organic apricot kernel oil contains vitamin A and E, which soothe the skin and slow signs of aging. The nourishing properties of apricot kernel seed oil have an anti-inflammatory effect and may soothe minor skin conditions such as eczema.


In ancient Greece, the goddess Aphrodite was known to have credited her powers of love and beauty to the humble beet. Rich in Vitamin C, beetroot does wonders for brightening the skin, removing dark spots, and any leftover scars from old blemishes. It’s anti-inflammatory properties also help to calm puffy eyes  and even the skintone.

Vitamin C:

A natural preservative, Vitamin C works to brighten the skin as well as reduces and prevents fine lines and wrinkles. Can also increase collagen production, reduce inflammation, slow the rate of free radical damage, and protect from UV damage.

Organic Vanilla Bean Extract:

Native to Mexico and used extensively by the Aztecs, vanilla bean not only tastes splendid, but also works wonders for the skin. Filled with anti-inflammatories, it soothes and calms the skin and also helps to prevent free radical damage. Chockful of Vitamin B, it also promotes healthy skin long after use.

Organic Ylang Ylang Oil:

'The Flower of Flowers" as it is called, is balancing both to the skin, and the mind. It is an aphrodisiac and the flowers are scattered on the wedding couples bed in Indonesia. Ylang Ylang is a skin regulator and is beautifying for the skin. It combats irritation and is used to treat acne and other imbalances.


For a moment step into a fragrant, fertile, magical, garden where ambrosia and nectar are gently placed upon your face. With clean fingers apply enough of the Honey & Nectar mask to cover the face. Leave on for 15 minutes and then cleanse with warm water. Follow up with the Glow Balm or Rose Face Oil for a luminous radiance.  Face may become warm due to the active elements in the mask like the vitamin C and honey love.


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