這種手工混合的產品不含毒素,由有機油製成,可減少炎症並打開心輪。 成分包括有機荷荷巴油、玫瑰果籽油、龜井堅果油、摩洛哥堅果油、亞麻薺油、波斯玫瑰精油、沙棘油和維生素 E 油,可為肌膚補充水分。 在充滿愛與祝福的高振動環境中配製而成。
成分 + 好處:
這種美容和排毒油來自生長在加利福尼亞、亞利桑那和墨西哥高沙漠的常綠木本灌木植物。 荷荷巴油是唯一一種類似於人類在皮膚中製造的油。 荷荷巴油富含健康頭髮和皮膚所需的幾乎所有維生素和礦物質,即維生素 E、B 複合物、銅、鋅、硒、碘和鉻。 它通常可以被那些有敏感皮膚的人使用,而不用擔心任何過敏反應。
摩洛哥堅果油來自摩洛哥西南部土生土長的摩洛哥堅果樹的種子。這種油以其健康和美容功效而聞名於世,提供保濕、再生和抗炎劑。 使皮膚豐盈的同時立即下沉,為臉頰帶來血色,在一夜之間治療細紋和皺紋。
一種生長在北歐和亞洲的灌木,長期以來一直在俄羅斯和東歐用於保護皮膚抵禦寒冷天氣。 減少炎症,是一種適應原。 傷口改善、蛋白質構建、抗氧化保護有助於修復受損皮膚。
對乾性皮膚和受粉刺影響的皮膚有益。 夏威夷美人魚使用了幾個世紀的天然保濕霜。 它是通過從 kukui 堅果樹壓榨油製成的,含有必需脂肪酸、維生素和抗氧化劑,有助於舒緩乾燥的皮膚和治癒傷口。
有助於減少和淡化妊娠紋。 太陽崇拜者的夢想是補充失去的水分並為您的面部皮膚補充水分。 疤痕、傷口、傷口和割傷的快速補救措施。
沐浴在喜馬拉雅山和安第斯山脈的這種原生野花中,冷壓以保留其所含的天然維生素和必需脂肪酸,將其用於頭髮、皮膚和指甲。 幾個世紀以來,玫瑰果籽油一直被視為天然美容劑和皮膚輔助劑。
玫瑰果籽油被希臘女神用作日常皮膚護理團的一部分,以增強強度和彈性。 這種神奇油中天然存在的維生素 C 有助於淡化黑斑,而天然存在的維生素 A 有助於恢復細胞活力。
亞麻薺因其高歐米茄 3 脂肪酸含量和抗氧化能力而備受推崇。 它有助於修復皮膚彈性和受損皮膚。 這種被低估的油在歐洲被稱為“快樂之金”油,含有高濃度的亞油酸和天然存在的維生素 E。
花之女王。 自法老時代之前,玫瑰就因其美化特性而備受推崇。 玫瑰可以幫助皮膚癒合,並保持彈性。 玫瑰具有抗炎、抗衰老、促進細胞更新、平衡情緒、平衡荷爾蒙、打開心臟並清潔皮膚、精神和思想的作用。
天然防腐劑維生素 E 可以通過阻止自由基的形成來幫助預防癌症和衰老。 維生素 E 可以幫助逆轉曬傷和細紋。 選擇未與轉基因大豆油混合的有機維生素 E 至關重要。
This hand-blended product is toxin free and made with organic oils that reduce inflammation and open the heart chakra. Ingredients include organic Jojoba oil, Rosehip Seed Oil, Kukui Nut oil, Argan oil, Camelina oil, essential Persian rose oil, Sea Buckthorn oil, and Vitamin E oil that replenish the skin. Formulated in a high vibrational environment with love and blessings.
Organic Simmondsia chinensis ( Jojoba ) Oil, Organic Rosa canina (Rosehip Seed)Oil, Aleurites moluccans (Kukui Nut) Oil, Organic Argania Spinosa (Argan) Oil, Organic Camelina sativa (Camelina) Oil, Hippophae rhamnoides (Seed Buckthorn) Oil, Organic Rosa Damascena (Persian Rose) Essential Oil, Non-GMO Alpha-Tocopherol (Vitamin E) Oil.
Jojoba Oil
This beautifying and detoxing oil comes from an evergreen woody shrub plant that grows in the high deserts of California, Arizona, and Mexico. Jojoba oil is the only oil that resembles what humans make in their skin. Jojoba Oil is packed with almost all of the vitamins and minerals essentially needed for healthy hair and skin, namely, vitamin E, B-complex, copper, zinc, selenium, iodine, and chromium. It normally can be used by even those who are having sensitive skin without worrying for any allergic reaction.
Argan Oil
Argan oil comes from the seeds of the Argan tree, indigenous to Southwestern Morocco.This oil is known worldwide for its health and cosmetic benefits, provides moisturizing, regeneration, and anti-inflammatory agents. this elixir sinks right in while it plumps the skin, brings blood to the cheeks, treating lines and wrinkles overnight.
Seed Buckthorn Oil
A Shrub that grows in northern Europe and Asia, has long been used in Russia and eastern Europe for skin protection against frigid weather. Reduces inflammation and is an adaptogenic. Wound-improving, protein-building, antioxidant protection to help restore damaged skin.
Kukui Nut Oil
Used in Hospitals and cancer centers in Hawaii to relieve the pain of burns caused by radiation therapy.
Beneficial for dry skin and skin affected by acne. A natural moisturizer that has been used for centuries by mermaids in Hawaii. It is produced by pressing oil from the kukui nut tree, and contains essential fatty acids, vitamins, and antioxidants that help to soothe dry skin and heal wounds.
Helps reduce & lighten stretch marks. A sun worshiper’s dream to replenish lost moisture and re-hydrate your facial skin. Quick remedy for scars, gashes, wounds, and cuts.
Rosehip Seed Oil
Bask yourself in this native wild flower of the Himalayas and the Andes, cold pressed to preserve the naturally-occurring vitamins and essential fatty acids it contains, use it on your hair, skin, and nails. Rosehip seed oil has been cherished for centuries as a natural beauty enhancer and skin aid.
Rosehip seed oil was used amongst Greek goddesses as part of a daily skin care regiment for strength and elasticity. The naturally occurring vitamin C in this wonder oil helps diminish dark spots, and the naturally occurring vitamin A helps rejuvenate cells.
Camelina Oil
Camelina is prized for its high Omega 3 fatty acid content and antioxidant powers. It helps repair the skins elasticity and damaged skin. This under appreciated oil is called the "Gold of Pleasure" oil in Europe and has a high concentration of linoleic acid and naturally occurring vitamin E.
Rose Oil
The Queen of the Flowers. Rose has been prized for it's beautifying properties since before the times of the Pharaohs. Rose can help the skin heal, and retain it's elasticity. Rose is anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, creates cell renewal, balances moods, balances hormones, opens the heart and clears the skin, spirit and mind.
Organic Vitamin E
A natural preservative Vitamin E can help prevent cancer and aging by blocking free radicals from forming. Vitamin E can help reverse sun damage and lines. It is crucial to choose organic Vitamin E that isn't mixed with GMO soy bean oil.