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ME 解毒大師 mask&wash *不適用全店折扣的優惠 / 購物金

ME 解毒大師 mask&wash *不適用全店折扣的優惠 / 購物金



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{{amazonProductReview.avg_rating}} {{'product.product_review.stars' | translate}} | {{amazonProductReview.total_comment_count}} {{'product.product_review.reviews' | translate}}
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一次最大商品購買數量限制為 99999



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解毒大師 *不適用全店折扣的優惠 / 購物金

made in Italy








3瓶+多10ml的30ml,平均價亦較便宜 (相差約$620!),適合回購人士


榮獲包括【Beauty Shortlist Awards 2018 – 編輯之選】、【Indie Beauty Expo– Best in Show 2017】等殊榮,乳霜質感,為壓力大、發炎、暗啞和乾涸肌帶來純正的愉悅感,針對需要深入治療的膚質。

打開這漂亮罐子,您將完全沉浸在可可、麥盧卡蜂蜜和山竹果的香氣中,只需數分鐘,肌膚徹底沉醉於這款化身為大師級治療師的面膜中 – 這確實是拯救肌膚的盛世英雄。 糅合草本美顏精華、草本粉末、植物脂及精華,瞬間鎮靜緩解最脆弱及最惱人的膚質,同時提供強大保濕力和亮麗光澤,均勻膚色,淡化色素沉澱,帶來清新、容光煥發的膚質。








緩解難以治療的皮膚問題 (痤瘡、玫瑰痤瘡、微絲血管擴張)















源自工匠蜂場的MGO™ 600+ 麥盧卡蜂蜜、蜂膠、峇里島的新鮮可可、神聖的藥用泰國山竹果、上等高嶺土,來自科西嘉的舒敏聖手的永久花






野生MGO™ 600+麥盧卡蜂蜜

由我們在新西蘭的朋友提供,為您呈現這種瑰寶。麥盧卡花蜜釋放甲基乙二醛 (MGO),具有令人驚嘆的強效抗菌特性,有助潔淨皮膚和緩解炎症。野生麥​​盧卡蜂蜜可提亮膚色,均勻膚色,減淡疤痕和老年斑。野生麥盧卡蜂蜜滿載營養和礦物質,也是高效保濕,把水分吸收到皮膚中






山竹的卓越治療功能,在印尼和其他亞洲地方的藥療中被廣泛採用。擁有奇妙的自由基殺手【山酮素 (Xanthones)】,被譽為山酮之王,具有非常強大的抗氧化活性、抵抗自由基、天然抗菌特性,保持皮膚鎮靜和透亮

























1. 白高嶺土

2. 野生麥​​盧卡蜂蜜

3. 乳木果脂

4. 山竹果粉

5. 瓊崖海棠油籽油

6. 蔓越莓籽油

7. 可可

8. 椰子油

9. 玫瑰果籽油

10. 維他命E

11. 喜瑪拉雅青刺果油

12. 甘氨酸大豆油

13. 摩洛哥堅果油

14. 石榴籽油

15. 黑種草籽油

16. 塔希提島梔子花

17. 永久花

18. 檀香

19. 大馬士革玫瑰

20. 麥盧卡油

21. 苦橙花

22. 天竺葵

23. 廣藿香葉

24. 依蘭

25. 薰衣草

26. 玫瑰草

27. 芳樟醇

28. 香葉醇

29. 香茅醇

30. 檸檬烯

31. 酒精(小麥代酒精)

32. 合金歡醇

33. 苯甲酸芐酯

34. 蜂膠

35. 水楊酸芐酯

36. 檸檬醛

37. 丁香酚




  • 面膜:當乾涸、暗沉肌需要舒緩護理時,取一口櫻桃大小的份量,將其與半茶匙水輕輕混合,直到變為淡棕色的柔滑乳霜狀,再次弄濕手指,搽勻面部、頸部及肩部肌膚,以緩解發熱過敏狀況,均勻膚色,淡化色素沉澱,令乾涸肌脫變為飽滿耀眼肌。 靜待30分鐘或更長時間,然後以濕布抺走即可;也可以手指輕柔地打圈,優化其去角質的功用。

  • 洗臉:成就持久美麗、鎮靜、亮麗水潤肌,請按以下步驟操作:取一口櫻桃大小的份量,將其與半茶匙輕輕混合直到變為淡棕色的柔滑乳霜狀,再次弄濕手指,搽勻面部、頸部肌膚,然後洗淨並用濕布抺淨即可;也可以手指輕柔地打圈,優化其去角質的功用。

sweet serenity/mask&wash

a master healer. everything falls into place.

This creamy, indulgent deliciousness brings pure delight to stressed-out, irritated, dull and thirsty skin, also targeting skin that needs major healing. Upon opening your pretty jar you will be completely immersed in the delicious smell of cacao, raw Manuka Honey and mangosteen only to succumb minutes later to the master-healer blend of essential oils – with skin savior immortelle being its hero. These beauty oils, powders, butters and essential oils instantly impart calming serenity and soothing nourishment even to the most troubled and delicate skin while delivering intense hydration and bright radiance, evening out skin tone, fading hyperpigmentation and giving you that fresh, radiant look. Above and beyond this, mask &wash suffuses you with beautiful vibrations, helping you to center again, to come home to yourself, realigning skin and soul with their perfectly harmonious rhythm and innate self-healing capacities. You feel joyously ready to take on any challenge that might come your way.

scent bouquet

sweet earthy tones of honey and cacao, with fruity subnotes of mangosteen, lifted to pristine heights of freshness, imparts vivid memories of a wild flower meadow after the rain.


rich in antioxidants and super-antioxidants

soothes, calms & balances sensitive, irritated, flaky, thirsty skin

benefits troubled conditions (acne, rosacea, couperose)

provides optimum hydration

brightens and evens out skin tone

stimulates collagen

gives a major glow

counterbalances hyperpigmentation

leads skin back into its innate, harmonious rhythm

boosting skin´s self-healing abilities

imparts serenity for skin and soul

NOTE: please always mix this deliciousness with droplets of water in the palm of your hand until you have a smooth, creamy texture.

skin type / condition

troubled and inflamed skin ∙ stressed- out, irritated conditions ∙ traumatized skin ∙ unmatched healing for teenage & adult acne ∙ sensitive, highly reactive types ∙ dull, congested complexions ∙ dehydrated skin ∙ uneven complexions ∙ sun-damaged skin ∙ maturing skin

key ingredients

600+ Raw Manuka Honey from a dedicated artisan apiary, Propolis, fresh Balinese Cacao, sacred medicinal Thai Mangosteen, finest Kaolin clay, master healer Helichrysum italicum from Corsica

high-vibe sourcing

The majesty of New Zealands untouched nature reflects in the high potency of its powerfully healing Manuka honey, the spirit of the protected Balinese forest elevates the vibrations of its indulgent cacao, the wisdom of the Thai’s peoples’ medicine is reflected in the vibrant color of the Mangosteen powder. All this is infused with a pure and herbaceous flower bouquet with immortelle as its master healer. The very rare and high vibrancy of this blend guides you into deep, powerful spaces, within, leaving you stronger than before, satisfied, fulfilled.

A deeper look into the ingredients:

Powerfully regenerating, repairing, collagen boosting immortelle, which is also so good for traumatized skin, antimicrobial manuka, soothing wild mountain lavender, inflammation tamer sandalwood, regenerating neroli, toning ylang- ylang, soothing palmarose, calming patchouli and wonderfully moisturizing rose help to release heat and to relieve and calm irritated, stressed-out, break-out prone, acneic or dull conditions, as well as evening out skin tone, fading hyperpigmentation. Thereby restoring skin’s innate harmonious rhythm, providing optimum hydration and bright radiance.

a rare harmony

Raw Manuka Honey 600+

Courtesy of our bee friends in New Zealand we can offer you this true gem. The unique flower nectar of the manuka blossoms boasts methylglyoxal with incredibly potent antiseptic and antimicrobial properties which help to clear up skin and to tame inflammation. Raw manuka honey is also said to brighten the complexion, evening out skin tone, lightening scars and age spots. Raw manuka honey is brimming with nutrients and minerals and also acts as a beautiful humectant, drawing moisture into the skin.

Most beautiful organic shea butter.

Rich in antioxidants this beautiful hydrator soothes even the most irritated skin in such a wonderful way.

Exquisitely beautiful organic mangosteen powder.

In Indonesia’s and Asia’s popular medicine mangosteen – with its outstanding talents – is a highly acclaimed cure. Our incredibly beautiful fruitpowder is rich in Xan thones which have a very powerful antioxidant activity, counteracting free radicals. Plus – mangosteen's natural antibacterial and antimicrobial properties help to keep skin calm and clear.

Finest, organic Balinese cacao powder.

Brimming with vitamins and minerals cacao powder also has skin brightening talents.

Wonderfully soft Kaolin clay.

A delightful healing clay with outstanding properties.

Splendidly regenerating organic Polynesian tamanu oil.

For centuries tamanu oil has been used in the traditional medicine of the island peoples of Polynesia.

Organic cranberry seed oil.

Guides skin back to its innate, perfectly harmonious rhythm, boosting its self-healing capacities.

Cold-pressed organic Chilean rosehip oil.

A most precious oil with a beautiful golden-yellow tone. It has been said that this oil can have a highly rejuvenating effect due to its deeply regenerative and nourishing properties.

Enchanted wildcherry oil (Dhatelo oil) from carefully selected wild harvest.

A rarity from Nepal that we see as a true gem. For centuries antioxidant, restructuring Dhatelo oil has been used in traditional Tibetan medicine.

Purest, finest organic Moroccan argan oil from natural wild-growing trees.

Legends abound regarding this magical golden shimmering oil, relating that argan oil can have strong rejuvenating effects, repairing and renewing cells with antioxidant benefits while soothing irritated skin and pampering sensitive skin.

Anti-inflammatory organic pomegranate seed oil. Exquisitely precious amongst the carrier oils. We love its antioxidant, regenerative and repairing characteristics.

Protective organic black cumin seed oil. High in antioxidant and antimicrobial powers this oil is known for its talent to protect cells and stimulate repairing and renewing.

Sacred Polynesian Monoi Tahitiensis. A most delightful beauty ritual from Polynesia streching back thousands of years. For ages the flowers of the Tiare have been picked at dawn and have been gently macerated in coconut oil. The ravishing Gardenia tahitiensis endows the coconut oil with its moisturizing talents and its most beautiful scent. A deliciousness!

Sweetly scented Propolis.

In older times Romans, Greek people and Egyptians used this generous gift of the bees to treat skin. Its antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory benefits are legendary and have been known since centuries.

the ritual

as a mask: When you need extra soothing, loving care for thirsty, troubled or dull skin or when you yearn for major healing, take a cherry-size of this deliciousness and gently mix it with half a teaspoon of water until you have a smooth, creamy texture, hues lighter than the original color. Feel invited to play with „mask&wash“ and to find the exact ratio of mask&wash and water that delights you most. Sometimes you may even want to wet your fingers again and let them glide over your face until you are totally satisfied with the result. Use „mask &wash“ on the full face, neck and décolleté to release heat, relieve from irritations, even out skin tone, fade hyperpigmentation, feed thirsty skin and get that wonderful glow. Let it sink in for up to 30 minutes or longer, then take it off with a moist cloth. You may also softly circle with your fingers for an ever so gentle peeling before taking it off, to get the extra benefits of exfoliation.

as a wash: If you have skin that needs major healing or if you have long craved for beautifully calm, bright and dewy skin, here is how to get it: take a cherry-size of this deliciousness and gently mix it with half a teaspoon of water until you have a smooth, creamy texture, hues lighter than the original color. Feel invited to play with „mask&wash“ and to find the exact ratio of mask&wash and water that delights you most. Sometimes you may even want to wet your fingers again and let them glide over your face until you are totally satisfied with the result. Apply „mask &wash“ on the full face and neck, then take it off with a moist cloth. You may also softly circle with your fingers for an ever so gentle peeling before taking it off, to get the extra benefits of exfoliation.


elevate / heightening your experience

let this moment be all yours. take time and space to dedicate it your very own ritual: In the knowing how powerful intentions are, stir a beautiful word or a loving thought into the mixing of your mask with water.


White Kaolin Clay, Leptospermum Scoparium Mel (Raw Manuka Honey), Butyrospermum Parkii Butter1, Garcinia Mangostana Pericarp Powder1, Calophyllum Inophyllum Seed Oil1, Cranberry Seed Oil1, Theobroma Cacao Seed Powder1, Cocos Nucifera Oil1, Rosa Canina Fruit Oil1, Tocopherol, Prinsepia Utilis Seed Oil1, Glycine Soja Oil, Argania Spinosa Kernel Oil1, Punica Granatum Seed Oil1, Nigella Sativa Seed Oil1, Gardenia Tahitensis Flower Extract, Helichrysum Angustifolium Flower Oil1, Santalum Album Oil2, Rosa Damascena Flower Oil1, Leptospermum Scoparium Oil3, Citrus Aurantium Flower Extract1, Pelargonium Graveolens Oil1, Pogostemon Cablin Leaf Oil1, Cananga Odorata Flower Oil1, Lavandula Angustifolia Herb Oil2, Cymbopogon Martinii Herb Oil1, Linalool4, Geraniol4, Citronellol4, Limonene4, Alcohol, Farnesol4, Benzyl Benzoate4, Propolis Cera, Benzyl Salicylate4, Citral4, Eugenol4

1 certified organic cultivation

2 wild-crafted

3 organic wild collection

4 natural constituents of essential oils



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